West London’s best co-working space.
Uncommon Fulham.
Uncommon Fulham is a home away from home. Here, we support the occupier’s every need to ensure that they are free to develop and explore, immersed in the enterprising spirit of West London.
Acquisition & Development.
The Fulham property was acquired in February 2016 from GMS Estates as an existing end-of-life leased office park. Within one year of the acquisition, we did not renew occupational leases and work began to reposition the remaining leased tenants. We secured planning to erect a freestanding glazed pavilion and permission to convert the car park into a landscaped courtyard. In February 2020, we secured planning for ten office pods. In total, the site offers 30,000 sq ft of lettable office space. The office pods will provide a further 1,500 sq ft upon completion.

Sales, Marketing & Operations.
Our innovative and forward-thinking approach to property development and space management is demonstrated fully at Uncommon Fulham. The location is forged from the ideals of shared working spaces, community and co-working practices. It’s a flexible space that allows our occupiers to gather and learn from one another in the spirit of growth and development. The success of this location results from our knowledge of occupier trends and will continue long into the post-Covid era.

Look around.
Take a look around Uncommon Fulham here with this short video tour.